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Primitive agesChocolate was the medicine of sick curative medicine and perpetual youth and longevity.

Columbus who discovered the U.S. continent met with cacao beans first in the people from Europe, It is Spanish Ferdinand Cortez that having found out precious worth of cacao and having brought back to Europe conquered ASUTEKA. Ferdinand Cortez Cortez gets to know that cacao beans are effective in recovery from fatigue of the soldiers of a self-army, or the medical treatment of illness and an injury, and says that he offered the Spain king as a medicine.

In the Central America before cacao beans are brought into Europe, since the medicinal herb was mixed with cacao and it was used for a toothache, the inflammation of a throat, a gastroenteric disorder, alleviation of fever, etc., it was called "medicine of the perpetual youth and longevity of ASUTEKA", and was considerably popular in Europe medieval times. It is Meiji ten years for Japan to have record that chocolate was transmitted in Nagasaki in the second half of the 18th century, and to have been processed and sold as goods.

It becomes clear.The healthy effect of chocolate

It is the "cacao polyphenol" of attention medically.
The first place of the Japanese cause of deathCancer.Next,cardiopathy,Apoplexy. It is this turn.The oxygen radical is participating in these sick generating.Oxygen radicalThen, the quality of an anti-oxide which prevents the damage of this oxygen radical attracts attention. Although there are beta carotene besides vitamins, such as vitamin A, and C, E, carotenoid, and polyphenol in the quality of an anti-oxide, polyphenol will be observed if an anti-oxidization action is the strongest especially. Although it was known from before that many polyphenol to legumes is contained, it is mostly contained also to the cacao beans which are the materials of chocolate, and according to the investigation of a Japanese food analysis center, in 100 cc of green tea, what and no less than 0.8g are contained in chocolate 100g to having been 0.3g among 0.1g and 00 cc of red wine.

1)The prevention action of arteriosclerosis, the action which lowers cholesterol.
The bad (LDL) cholesterol which oxidized by the strong oxygen of an oxidization action called an oxygen radical carries out self-possessed [ of the arteriosclerosis which caused cardiopathy and apoplexy ] to the inner wall of an artery, an artery wall becomes weak and it happens. Oxidization of the bad cholesterol is prevented in cacao polyphenol, and it is clear at it by the experiment by the animal, or the examination to people to suppress advance of arteriosclerosis. Moreover, it is confirmed by the chestnut CHIEFU skiing doctor of the United States which is the global authority of fat nutritional science that there is an effect of suppressing superfluous generation of cholesterol in the chocolate made from cacao beans. Furthermore, when a chestnut CHIEFU skiing doctor gives people a slab chocolate and snack confectionery, he is proving that the way of a slab chocolate reduces the bad cholesterol clearly. It turns out that domestic research also has the effect which prevents the bad cholesterol in cacao polyphenol.

2)The action which controls generating of cancer.
There is a little stomach cancer in a country eating a lot of chocolate. It is left many for outbreak mechanism of cancer a still unidentified place, but at first quality of variation source substance wakes up a mutation in DNA of a cell, and it is thought that cancer occurs because subsequently a promotion material activates the cancer cell which became it. However, that a mutation of cell DNA was restrained was checked when I added cacao polyphenol with quality of variation source substance in a test tube. In addition, it is assumed that a correlation to be reverse to the number of the deads by stomach cancer and an annual consumption of chocolate has you. For example, as for most Swiss 9.5 kilos a year of an annual consumption, as for the Japanese, there is difference in 6 times with 1.7 kilos a year, and the number of the deads by Swiss stomach cancer is 1/4 of a Japanese.

It is the number of the annual deads per 100000 people by stomach cancer.
It is a consumption per one a year of chocolate.(Kg)
The dead by stomach cancer.A consumption of chocolate.

3)It is an effect size for allergy and rheumatism.
According to the immune excessive reaction, allergy and rheumatism can go away. It was thought that an immunity cell to remove disease-causing germs or a virus was originally generated by discharging a granule and an inflammation material such as histamine, but I was remarkable both and decreased one hour that ate chocolate later when I had a person of a volunteer eat a chocolate bar and examined a granule of the good acid ball which was nothing of an immunity cell and release of histamine.

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